Old Hawthorne is thankful for…

Our Staff

We have so much gratitude for the exceptional staff at our Club and want to thank them for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Without their tireless efforts, Old Hawthorne, quite literally, wouldn’t be the same. Their professionalism, attention to detail, and warm hospitality create an atmosphere that truly feels like a second home.

Every event, every meal, and every moment spent at the club is enhanced by their commitment to excellence. Their outstanding service makes our club a welcoming haven for all members and guests. Their contributions are invaluable, and we are deeply appreciative of all that they do.

Our Members

Your support and genuine love for Old Hawthorne is exceptional. Your passion for the Club, your camaraderie, and your active involvement shapes the very essence of what makes our community exceptional. It is your love for Old Hawthorne that brings life to its halls, fills the golf courses with laughter, and turns our events into unforgettable moments.

Your presence elevates the atmosphere, creating an environment where friendships flourish, and memories are made. The vibrant energy you bring to every gathering truly enriches the club experience for everyone. We are thankful for every single member. You are the heart and soul of our Club. Thank you for your enduring loyalty, and for making every day at Old Hawthorne special.

Our Community

Our Old Hawthorne community is one-of-a-kind and plays a crucial role in the Club’s success and vitality. Having a strong sense of community fosters a feeling of belonging among the Club’s members. You’ve created a space where members can interact, network, and build friendships. These interactions enrich the lives of our members and create a vibrant social atmosphere within our Club.

Through events like charity fundraisers, tournaments, and social gatherings, we are able to strengthen the Club’s ties with the community. The support of local businesses, organizations, and individuals also enhances our community engagement outside of the Club.

Our History

Old Hawthorne is a club full of rich legacy and history, which serve as the foundation of our identity and success. The Club’s storied past provides a sense of heritage and tradition, instilling pride and a strong connection to its roots among the staff and members. It creates a unique atmosphere, attracting dedicated members and fostering a sense of belonging.

Our history also inspires a commitment to maintaining high standards of service and upholding the values that have defined Old Hawthorne over the years. The staff recognizes that the club’s legacy not only honors its past but also shapes a promising future, guiding them in providing exceptional experiences for members and ensuring the club remains a cherished institution in the community.

Reflecting on the past year, it is abundantly clear what we are truly thankful for. This year, Old Hawthorne celebrated not only its achievements, but also the enduring spirit of togetherness that defines its essence. With gratitude in our hearts, we look forward to the future, guided by the lessons of the past and the collective strength of their community. Here’s to another year filled with camaraderie, growth, and the boundless opportunities that lie ahead!

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