Youth Sports at OH

At Old Hawthorne, we offer a wide variety of activities for kids of all ages. From junior golf, junior tennis and swim team, we have something that will keep your child active and learning! Plus, joining a sports team at a young age can offer numerous benefits for physical, mental, and social development. Here are 6 reasons to get your child involved in sports:

1. Physical Fitness: Participation in a sports team encourages regular physical activity, helping to improve cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and overall physical fitness. It lays the foundation for a healthy lifestyle and can help combat childhood obesity. Physical activity, including sports, is a natural stress reliever. Playing sports can help children manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.

2. Health & Development: Sports require various motor skills, such as coordination, balance, agility, and hand-eye coordination. Engaging in sports at a young age can help refine these skills, which can be beneficial in other areas of life as well. Many sports require strategic thinking, quick decision-making, and the ability to adapt to changing situations. Engaging in these mental aspects of sports can enhance cognitive skills. Developing an early interest in sports and physical activity can contribute to a lifelong habit of staying active, promoting overall health and reducing the risk of various chronic diseases.

3. Teamwork: Being part of a sports team teaches children how to work with others toward a common goal. They learn the value of cooperation, communication, and respecting the contributions of each team member. Over time, young athletes may have the opportunity to take on leadership roles within their team. This experience can help them develop leadership qualities, decision-making skills, and the ability to motivate and inspire their peers.

4. Socializing: Joining a sports team exposes children to a diverse group of peers with shared interests. This interaction enhances their social skills, helps them make new friends, and can create lasting friendships. Healthy competition teaches kids to strive for excellence, push their boundaries, and constantly improve. It also teaches them to handle competition gracefully and show respect for opponents.

5. Discipline: Regular practice and training sessions instill discipline and time management skills. Balancing school, sports, and other activities teaches kids to manage their time effectively and prioritize their responsibilities. Being part of a sports team encourages young athletes to set and work towards both short-term and long-term goals. This skill is transferable to academic, personal, and professional aspects of life.

6. Self-Confidence: As children improve their skills and contribute to their team’s success, their self-esteem and self-confidence can grow. Overcoming challenges and achieving personal milestones boost their sense of accomplishment. Sports involve wins and losses, challenges, and setbacks. Dealing with these experiences fosters resilience, teaches coping mechanisms, and helps kids learn to bounce back from disappointments.

It’s important to note that while there are many benefits, the experience should be enjoyable for the child. Pressure or excessive focus on competition can potentially lead to stress and burnout. The key is to strike a balance between enjoyment, skill development, and healthy competition.

If you’re interested in signing your child up for one of our exciting youth activities, contact our Membership Director, Ariana Schneider, at 573-442-5280. See you at the Club!

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Posted in Fitness, Junior Golf, Membership, Old Hawthorne Community, Swimming, tennis

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